Since it has been a while, we have a lot to catch up on....there have been parties, outfit styling, designing, creating, label starting, decorating and a lot of organising. Since we don't have time for anything more than a coffee date this evening, I won't overwhelm you with too much fabulous-ness all at once.
With so much going on at Ella Courtney Style, I don't even know where to start!
I'll take you back to February 14th, oh yes, the day for the lovers, Valentines day! As it turns out, this day can also be great for the love-seekers. I was enlisted by 92.9fm to bring some romance to a speed dating night hosted by Lisa, Paul and Baz and celebrity psychic Scott Russel Hill, that was held on the rooftop of their offices in Subiaco.
As well as being a night of speed dating, it happened to be the speedy-est decorating I have ever pulled together. As a last minute job, I had a week to source, plan and organise. I was also at a wedding in Sydney for four days of that week. Miraculously, (or you could say meticulously) it came together seamlessly (let's not bring up some minor issues we had with the wind and some paper hearts) and everyone lived happily ever after.
I took some quick snaps with my iPhone before racing off to a date with my girlfriends at the outdoor cinema that I have included below. You can view the whole album of professional photos from the event by clicking on the link...