With my current working situation I am lucky enough to have Fridays off. This means I spend them shopping with mum. Getting sick of the same shopping spots and seeing the same things we often venture out of our normal circle.
In the past two weeks we have been to Westfield Innaloo Shopping Centre, Whitfords Shopping Centre and Perth City. I have uploaded some photos below so you can see how well I did for the prices I paid!
Necklace- On sale at Witchery $9.95
Top- Sportsgirl $14.95
Shoes- Tempt $29.95
Socks (To wear with boots above)- Calvin Klein on sale at David Jones $15.95
Throw Cushion (for my bed) - Kmart $10.00
White t-shirt- Country Road $34.95
Cargo Pants- Kmart $5.00 (yes you read that correctly!)
Scarf- Sportsgirl $7.95
See, who says you need lots of money to have style!