She has a creative, personal style. She has great taste in music. She knows lots of cool people. She loves a good boogie on the dance floor. She loves to op shop. She is a fantastic friend and, above all, she is an amazing photographer! She is Zoë Walker.
Zoë has always been interested and very successful with music photography. She has had photos selected for the WAMI photography exhibition at the Western Australian Museum for two years running. One of my favourites was also chosen to be featured on the official website for The Hives!
Last year Zoë also became a fashion photographer and it comes oh-so naturally to her. I have included below a sample of our first shoot working together.
Stylist- Ella Courtney.
Photographer- Zoë Walker.
Model- Zoë's beautiful sister Brooke Walker.
Make-Up- Jade Balfour.
Clothing by Julia Silk, Story by Tang and Joanie Wong, all from Merge, Subiaco.
Check out lots more from Zoë Walker on her blog To see more artistry from Jade Balfour go to